Portrait of breeder Hansenberg

Dorte Brüggert from Stud Hansenberg and the mare Flying Frackel
Usually our horses will be part of the educational teaching before they are broken in, afterward they will be sold, unless they are meant to be part of our breeding program.
Our horses get worked with and are handled right from birth. This means that they're used to our signals from an early age and that the breaking in happens without a single misstep. That is the benefit we get from being able to imprint on out horses and make breaking in a natural part of their daily life.
The Blue Hors Foal Championships 2019 had a very special winner! So special that judge Poul Gravgaard couldn’t find a single flaw in Zamfira TEK b. Blue Hors Zackerey/Blue Hors Farrell/Blue Hors Don Romantic
“Usually there is always something you can point out or a trait you’d want just a little bit more of if you could Build-A-Foal freely” Gravgaard notices with a touch of irony
But the perfect foal is out there, and Zamfira TEK has got the whole package! She is beautiful and carries herself elegantly and effortlessly in her movement – so of course she had to be awarded ‘Best Filly in Show’!
‘TEK’ stands for Technical School and is the name all horses born at Hansenberg gets as their surname
Damline of the future
Nine years ago Hansenberg randomly became the owners of a mare who would show herself as very valuable for the school’s breeding program.
Elli Varoudaki, a Danish/Greek-girl and former Hansenberg student with a major in horses, bought the DWB mare Flying Frackel during her stay in Danmark. Elli’s family lives in Greece, and when the financial crisis struck some years ago, Elli had to travel back home to Greece. She wasn’t able to bring Flying Frackel, and left her at Hansenberg where she knew she’d be taken good care of.
Flying Frackel has given the Hansenberg Stud 7 foals in total. The sixth and seventh by Blue Hors Farrell. All Flying Frackel’s foals get Greek names to honor Flying Frackel’s former owner.
Fedora TEK b. Blue Hors Farrell is the first filly by Flying Frackel. She attended the DWB Elite Show as a foals, and again as 2 years old where she attended the finals and received an honor’s medal. As a 3 year old she got graded RDH with great grades, and afterwards she became a mother to a filly who has also done really good at the foal shows.
Elli comes to visit Flying Frackel when she’s visiting Denmark. Just like Niels Peter and Dorte visited Elli and her family on Crete.
When everything aligns
Niels Peter Hansen, who is chief of school at Hansenberg, tells us that,
“Our goal is primarily to use our breeding in an educational aspect to strengthen our school – that is why we’ve got the horse stable as well as the rest of our livestock. They are expensive to manage,
”Det primære formål med vores dyrebesætninger, er at understøtte undervisningen her på skolen – derfor har vi hestestalden og vores øvrige dyrebesætninger. Det er dyrt at drive en sådan stald, derfor er det væsentligt for vores økonomi, at vi kan avle nogle heste der kan sælges til en fornuftig pris, således de kan være behjælpelige med at reducere vores omkostninger i denne afdeling”
Skolens heste har ikke alene til formål at understøtte undervisningen på hestemanager uddannelsen, flere af erhvervsuddannelserne nyder nemlig gavn af skolens hestehold. Beslagsmedende samt Veterinærsygeplejerskerne bruger flittigt hestene, som led i deres undervisning. HANSENBERG er det eneste sted i landet der tilbyder disse to uddannelser.