Nanna and Don Olymbrio in a beautiful Grand Prix Freestyle victory
The always well-behaved and charming breeding stallion Don Olymbrio took the victory in the international Grand Prix – and today he took it in the Grand Prix Freestyle as well!

The couple that just keeps on giving
Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Blue Hors Don Olymbrio (by Jazz/Olympic Ferro) rode into first place of the weekend’s second three-starred Grand Prix competition; namely Saturday evening’s Grand Prix Freestyle
It was the first time the pair rode the program in the company of their beautiful music, and with a great score of 77.455% they passed with top marks, despite some minor tensions. The hiccups did not stop the couple from delivering world-class dressage with, among other things, canter pirouettes of the very highest quality! The Swedish judge at M also rewarded them with a nice 9 for interpretation!