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Zepter & Cristian win the Grand Prix at DWB Eliteshow on Vilhelmsborg
3. September 2021National
Zepter & Cristian win the Grand Prix at DWB Eliteshow on Vilhelmsborg

The Blue Hors Zack-son; Blue Hors Zepter and his rider Cristian Tudela Ruiz were on fire in friday's Grand Prix at Vilhelmsborg. The pair won with the impressive score of 73,267% which was more than e

Busy week for Blue Hors with dressage show and young horse competitions
1. June 2021National
Busy week for Blue Hors with dressage show and young horse competitions

Last weekend did not only consist of international dressage in France. Blue Hors was also represented at the dressage show and young horse competitions at Billund Sportsrideklub, Denmark, where severa

110.000 euro for Blue Hors Farrell mare at 2020 Oldenburg Special Edition auction
18. December 2020Auction
110.000 euro for Blue Hors Farrell mare at 2020 Oldenburg Special Edition auction

The price highlight of the auction was 3 year old Fascination

St. Schufro-offspring as top seller at Elite Auction in Verden
12. October 2020Auction
St. Schufro-offspring as top seller at Elite Auction in Verden

For a more than 90 minutes long ’Bid Up’-round, the final price for the St. Schufro x Fürstenball-mare; St. Felice reached impressive 205.000 euros! Afterwards Blue Hors breeding manager Martin Klavse

Veneziano foal to Victoria Max-Theurer
24. October 2019Auction
Veneziano foal to Victoria Max-Theurer

DWB World Cup Foal Auction was held in connection with the World Cup-qualification in Herning, and here the Austrian Grand Prix-rider bought the two most expensive fillies; one of them by Blue Hors Ve

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