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Dressage horses for sale

In our database of horses for sale you will find a wide selection of quality horses, both foals, young horses and professionally trained dressage horses.

We have made it easier for you by dividing the sales horses into two categories:

  • Horses, which have been trained by Blue Hors’ professional equestrian team. These are marked with “Blue Hors
  • In addition, we have also added a database of offspring by Blue Horse stallions for sale, which is marked with “Breeder” – all with Blue Hors blood in their veins, as well as great potential to become amazing dressage horses.

Sales horses

Contact regarding the Blue Hors sales horses must go to mobile +45 75 36 36 36

With 30 years of experience in the industry Blue Hors offers personal and professional advice when it comes to selections of stallions or horse-shopping.