An Olympic Games show-blog
Blue Hors Zack, Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Ellen Glinvad has arrived in Tokyo in Japan - Follow their journey here!
Blue Hors Zack on one of many daily walks in the equestrian facilities in Tokyo
Quarantine in Aachen
Happy faces ready to go to Tokyo
At the airport and on their way to Tokyo
Ready for check-in!
Day 1: All Danish horses and riders have arrived. Facilities are looking great!
Day 1: Stretching the legs after the long flight
Day 2: Ellen spoils her long-time buddy Zack
Day 2: Ellen hand-walking Zack
“Zack feels so nice and comfortable and filled with lots of energy here in Tokyo 💪🏻🤩😍
Today’s training consisted of some light work with focus on flexibility and on getting him to work well throughout his body. One of the exercises I use for this is leg yields in canter, which for me is a super exercise “
– Nanna Skodborg Merrald